First Colubrid eggs of the year...
Last night started the first colubirds eggs of the year. Got two clutches, 8 eggs from this Pueblan milk snake and 15 eggs from a Het...
Cool Corn Pairings...
We have some cool pairings planned for this year. Here is a short list of a few of the cool pairs that have already bred: Plasma Motley...
Bamboo Ball
The Bamboo Lesser (Blue eyed Leucistic) is breeding well this year. Some of his girls are a little small but we will see what happens. ...
More eggs today...
Found this girl had laid her eggs on the paper this morning. She is a Het Clown, she laid 8 eggs that were fathered by the Firebee Clown....
Cool Scaleless pairings...
We will have some nice scaleless clutches this year. Some of them will be hold backs but there should be enough to sell pairs some too. ...
Palmetto projects...
We are doing a few cool palmetto projects, we don't plan on keeping all of the babies so if anyone is interested in projects let us know....
First eggs of the year...
First eggs of the year were laid last night. This is just a normal girl that was bred to a Banana male but there should be some exciting...
Hognose Breeding...
April is bringing lots of Colubrid breeding. We should have some cool hognose this year. We hope to have eggs from: Arctic het Albino X...